I've drunk sunshine with my hair

Dirty Sound System explore les influences psychédéliques dans la pop française

Posted in music by Stephanie on April 6, 2010

Ok, so I didn’t write that headline (because I don’t speak French).*

photo by erick beckman

Clovis Goux and Guillaume Sorge are two French selectors based in Paris. They get to eat crepes all day, so I am already a bit jealous, but they also run Dirty Sound System and probably prance around a room full of rare records and speak suavely to visiting ‘hip’ Americans who want to get in on the French psychedelic music scene. Their work, dj sets, and blogs have gotten them plenty of worldwide street cred.  I personally appreciate their superb curation of a wide range of music styles.  Check them out.

your new obscure music blog alain

your new favorite thing to listen to while you put makeup on
dirty sound system – dirty french psychedelics fluokids podcast

your next itunes cd to rip online, somewhere…
dirty french psychedelics

your next anthem interview to tweet (and maybe skim through)
interview with dirty records

*yet I have lived with a French person, close enough to France to count.  That was an experience…let’s just say we are equally crazy women that make equally good crepes (using her family recipe, of course, with the secret ingredient as beer!); except she had amazing grandfather-made foie gras and I didn”t.